Blanched, charred Broccoli with Curry Leaf-Curd Chili yogurt dip

Recipe by: Alak Nanda

Servings: 3

Prep Time: 10 mins

Cook Time: 10 mins

Blanched, charred Broccoli with Curry Leaf-Curd Chili yogurt dip

Blanching is one of my favorite ways of cooking veggies. It cooks them just enough, makes the veggies extra vibrant, and keeps the crunch! Blanched veggies are delightful all year long but especially perfect as we enter Spring and Summer and start craving more fresh veggies. I also like a smoky char on my veggies, so a quick air-fry achieves that. With PODIs on had, I can create some incredible flavored greek yogurt dips all day long. This one is particularly special with a sprinkling of Curd Chili fleur de sel! 

✦ Ingredients

  • Curry Leaf PODI
  • Curd Chili Fleur de Sel
  • 1 Broccoli head (cut into florets)
  • 1 cup Greek Yogurt

✦ Instructions

  1. Bring water to boil in a kettle. While water is boiling, prepare an ice bath (1/2 ice, 1/2 water)
  2. Dunk broccoli florets into boiled water, and gently boil for 3-4 mins
  3. Fish the florets out into the ice bath and stop cooking for 2-3 mins
  4. (optional step) Air fry for 3 mins at 350 F for some charred edges on florets. It adds a smokiness to these crunchy florets
  5. Prepare a greek yogurt dip with Curry Leaf and Curd Chili Fleur de Sel! Add as much of either as you like and mix and serve!
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Feel free to use regular yogurt, non-dairy yogurt, hummus, cottage cheese (out-of-the-box or blended for smooth, creamy texture!). Endlessly delicious dip possibilities!